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Check our our selection of Healing Crystals for you and your pet.
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Healing Crystals and Stones
Abalone Shell
Pet benefit of Abalone Shell include: Soothing, calming, relieves anxiety, stress, strengthens bones and teeth.
Amber helps reduces pain and inflammation. Wonderful for pets suffering from joint problems and arthritis!
Amethyst offer multipurpose healing for Pets. It helps with heart, skin, stomach, and digestion issues. Also, it is said to repel fleas.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline helps with skeletal problems, muscle strains, hormone imbalances, stress, anxiety, anger, fear, depression.
Bloodstone cleanses pets body of toxins. Good for liver and kidney issues. Helps strengthen the immune system, especially good after injury.
Blue Apatite Gallet
Blue Apatite Gallet helps balanceschakras and activity levels in the body.
Chalcedony is best for anxiety, nervousness, neck and throat, and behavioral issues.
Chevron Amethyst
The Chevron Amethyst is great for grief and calming fear in dogs and cats. It may help with panic attacks and separation anxiety, offering peace of mind to pets.
Chocolate Calcite
Chocolate Calcite is connected to the root chakra. It is grounding and stabilizing, helping with inner balance. It amplifies healing energy.
Citrine is a positive energy stone often referred to as the Sunshine Stone. It helps with pet depression, relaxation, insomnia, facilitate detoxification, and aid in digestion.
Clear Quartz
Often called the Master Healer, Clear Quartz helps the immune system, improves communication (ie. training), and stimulate energy levels.
The “fun stone”, the Dalmatian gemstone keeps pets well adjusted and balanced. It is also good for calming, healing and training.
Fossil Coral
The Fossil Coral Stone is good for healing eye, skin and stomach illnesses. It is helps heal pancreatic disorders and improve blood and air circulation.
Green Aventurine
A really great stone for rescued animals, Green Avertine, relieves stress, helps heal emotional trauma, and soothes fears. It also helps settle nausea, and rebuild the heart’s energy.
Hermatite helps the muscular system and is a blood booster too.
Jade will help with skin conditions, eyes issues, healing, aggression, abused animals, removes toxins, helps kidneys, and so much more.
Kambaba Jasper
Kambaba Jasper boosts the immune system, cellular growth, digestive system, calms nausea, and dental issues.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli helps with bones, pain management, cancer, leukemia and the immune system. It is also good for rescue pets who are confused and have faced trauma.
Leopard Skin Jasper
Leopard Skin Jasper helps support your pet’s regulatory function and overall healing.
Lepidolite is good for pets dealing with epilepsy, memory loss, stress, sciatica, and neuralgia.
Mahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian is good for your pet’s balance and energy. It is used to relieve pain and improve circulation.
Mookaite soothes the digestive system and the mind. Good for pets going through anxiety and digestive issues.
Pink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline is good for helping heal pets with heart conditions and emotional issues.
Purpurite helps health several issues such as wounds, oxygenation probelms, heart palpitations, blood pressure and circulation, stomach acidity, and so much more.
Rose Quartz
Known as “the love crystal”, Rose Quartz and is great to use if you’re bringing in a new pet in the house, or have a stand-offish pet. It is also good for wound or after surgery healing.
Shungite is good to restore gut health, respiratory issues, joints and bones. It is antibacterial and can also be used as a pain-reliever.
Selenite is known for its cleaning properties. It helps weak or lethargic pets get some energy back.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz helps ease pain, strengthens muscles, helps with heart, legs, reproductive, hips and stomach health for pets, It also calms energies between pets who don’t get along.
Tiger's Eye
Tiger’s Eye is good for timid, nervous, fearful or anxious pets. It helps stabilize emotions and helps improve courage and confidence.
Titanium Aura Quartz
Titanium Aura Quartz is good for physical health and stability. It breaks fevers and hastens recovery. It aids in treatment of multiple sclerosis, bone cancer, eyes, ears, and brain, and the central nervous system.
Unakite is good for pets with separation anxiety. It also supports the female reproductive system, helps ease pain.
Vesuvianite helps with heart and blood issues, aids circulation, strengthens joint sand legs, improves digestion, cell regeneration, reduces stress and so much more.
Watermelon Tourmaline
Watermelon Tourmaline is a healing and energizing stone. It is good for pets with mental trauma and health issues.
Zebra Jasper
Zebra Jasper is good for energy, muscle spasms and stamina - good for our pet athletes! It also helps with heart issues, it strengthens bones, teeth and gums.